Monday, September 28, 2009

Rivers, Snakes, Art and Felines...

A week or so ago, I went down to the Chattooga with a friend, after the flooding had subsided. It was amazing, as always, to see just how high the river had been during flooding. There was a snake up in a tree that must have found the limb as he was swimming and the river was at that level. Amazing.

This is where the water level had come up to during the flood. I can't imagine that much water in the river, but so it was.

This snake must have had quite a ride before he found this branch to light upon, and rest as the water level dropped...

Yesterday's "Art at the Cabin" was lovely. It was so heartening for me to have friends in my home, sharing and interacting with my art. Thanks to all who came to share.

This morning, as Sundew was playing in my hammock, I thought about the mini-hammock Rob brought me from Costa Rica. Actually, he brought it for Honeybear, but she didn't use it so I set it aside. This morning I set it up for Sundew then went to take a bath. After my bath, I looked out the window to find Sundew, lounging away on the hammock. Wonderful!


Clarity said...

Dear friend,

Time away, not quite with the fairies, missed coming here.

Proud to see your beautiful work on display in a gorgeous and natural setting. Let's keep in better touch, x.

P.S. The floods look intriguing, reading back.

Adam Stoltman said...

Sorry to have missed it.

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