It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted here. Life has been full. I have completed the program at Florida School of Massage and am now a licensed massage therapist. I have moved once again, this time into town and a really sweet little house that couldn’t be more perfect - very peaceful even though it’s right in town, with a great big lovely back yard for the cats (and me), and the perfect treatment room for clients. I am looking forward to doing some good work here, along with other work in the community.
It’s strange to have gone so long without posting any art or musings - almost a year, really. I am thinking a lot, for some reason, on the Cumberland Island time of magic last February, and maybe that is reminding me to reserve a spot for this next February to explore some more. Maybe it’s pointing me back to the magic and the energy for making art again. I feel closer and closer, now, and there is space in my new home for art making, too.
In the meantime, there is much to do to cultivate this new career in healing arts, and finding ways to integrate all the various art in my life. I am happy to think that all of these skills and interests seem to feed each other - each honing the other in some subtle way. I love that the meditative artwork I had been doing was all the while teaching me how to be a more clear conduit for - well, for whatever it is that moves through us as we create. For this is much the same stuff as must be present in the healing arts. The same stillness, presence and awareness are required for good work in massage. It is so essential to be present and able to listen and somehow receive direction about what is needed in any given moment - listening to the breath, the tissue, the subtle visual or energetic cues that can happen - the rhythms of the body. What an amazing dance it all is. What a wonderful opportunity to learn more each day, each moment, each time contact is made or broken or sustained.
I am continuing with dreamwork, too, and looking forward to starting a new small group here in my home, for sharing and growing with dreams.
I did do a handful of small mandala-like drawings during my time here in FL this year, so I will post a few here.

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