There was a thundershower here this afternoon, at one of my favorite times of the day. The time when the sunset is reflected over the ocean. Today, since it was raining, there was a full rainbow and part of a second one at one end. It was a sight to behold, and so was the ensuing color and light and water me, anyway.
This morning, I inadvertantly reformatted my cf card with lots of photos that I hadn't yet transferred to my computer. That's a BIG oops. But the pre-sunrise was so nice. It was quite cold, though. We saw a whale heading south a few days ago. I hope to see him or her again soon - maybe this morning...
I painted some yesterday, since it was cold and windy out. I can sit in the living room here and look out over the ocean. It's amazing to me how much it changes in each and every moment. I started with the painting below, then moved on to totally abstract ones. The photos below will show you why. The paintings were tiny studies (as is this one) so not really suitable for the blog (and these photos are way cooler, anyway). Enjoy. I hope they don't feel repetitive - to me they are all different. See what you think.
I'm going to miss the sunset tonight for a movie. Should be well worth it, though. Crazy Heart with Jeff Bridges - by the way, if you haven't already, you should check out his website (
As I was getting up from scrabble with my mother this evening, I spied out the window a bit of a rainbow. It wasn't much of a rainbow, but with the sun setting opposite, it became more and more beautiful, over the ocean. I have always loved watching the reflection of sunset, looking east. There is something so wonderful about those colors reflecting from the other side...
There were actually two rainbows. You can sort of see the other one just to the right. And looking west, toward the setting sun...
Well, I made the journey with the cats. Eight hours in the car and nobody peed. Amazing. The cat chorus wasn't even that bad. I am so proud of my three girls. They did great. Now, to adjust to new surroundings for a bit, before venturing outside. It's steadily raining here in St. Augustine, so they aren't that excited about going outside, anyway. I am ready for a restful day, too. Here are a few pics from the icy days at Moonfrog Hollow before I left for warmer climes. I am looking forward to seeing my brother's space today, where he's getting things fixed up to open a breakfast and lunch spot here at the beach...
And the logo I made for Stephen's T-shirts.... It may be a work in progress, or it may be it.