A friend of mine mentioned he wanted to see something new on my blog, and since I've been in Atlanta working off an on for the last several weeks, I haven't had a chance to make pictures. He said I should put some words up... Here is a little thing that happened when I was in Charleston, that warmed my heart and made me think we should all be more conscious of the many ways we affect the world around us so much more than we realize, and how we might consider doing so more consciously and actively.
April 23, 2008 Charleston, SC
Graffiti writing on random walls, along a walk back to the B&B from lunch, where Mom and I had a minor disagreement about driving home. She wanted me to drive her, but I strongly felt I needed to walk the 7 blocks back (having been driving pretty constantly over the last 3 days)...
After a few blocks, on the wall I was passing,
“I love you, passing stranger”
then several blocks down and a couple blocks over,
“what do you have to lose?”
then around the corner,
"do something"
It was written (painted) in dark grey, very gracefully. I felt so lucky to have noticed and appreciated all those words. I wondered who wrote that, were there more? We need more of that... That kind of love moving through the world is powerful. It can be so simple and so powerful at the same time...